Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] You want "rupture"? Start by getting your zavokas to draft a new MBC and IBA Act!

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Lundi 19 Octobre 2020

We have seen it all before: Pravind Jugnauth condemning the MBC for being too pro government in 2014 only to then turn our MBC into his personal brothel after the elections. Maya Hanoomanjee was so disgusted at the time with the MBC that she ordered them out of her MSM meeting just before the elections!

We can now see everyday how a new breed of zoms pitins has taken over our MBC and turned it into Lady Macbeth's dildo, for her to play with whenever she wants too, i.e. everyday. And the MBC macros are too willing to satisfy the Lady with her weird obsession about our national TV station.

What has the opposition been doing, apart from shouting "Rupture" like a demented, stuttering vagrant saying anything in order to get the attention that he/she craves for? Nothing! Not one member of the opposition has even tried to take our MBC to Court for consistently breaking the MBC Act and the IBA Act.

Have you heard any shouts from them about the Commission denket bidon on Anooj Ramsurrun's ludicrous impersonation of a sparring partner for a mobile phone paid for by us? Have you heard anyone from any opposition party mocking the terms of reference of that Commission denket bidon which, instead of concentrating on a grossly unprofessional and bullying behaviour of a patented arsehole, wants instead to find out the identity of the person who made public the video nasty of Anooj v mobile phone?

They are doing everything to, as our intellectually limited politicians like to say, "noyer le poisson"; i.e. anything that would minimise the only offence on the table and instead find anything that might seek to 'explain' the grotesque behaviour of Anooj,,,all with the active support of Lady Macbeth who, I suppose, misses the 4 p.m. daily phone calls with Anooj in order to dictate what should be presented in what they laughably call a "journal"....

We no longer want an opposition to keep throwing us the same bones of " MBC, ene scandal, ene pourritir sa, ene boite de propagande sa!" We all know that. How about putting some meat on the bones and telling us what exactly you will do to bring about this mythical "Rupture" you keep talking about?

Believe me, none of us want a MBC directed by Lady Macbeth and la cuisine to be replaced with a MBC under the orders of an opposition still deluded that their film star looks are what we all want to see instead.

No way! Slogans will not change a dangerously sick organisation like the MBC. New laws with powers of enforcement and heavy fines and terms of imprisonment are the only things that will quench our thirst for a truly independent and impartial national TV station.

 Yes, the MBC is the cesspit of our so called 'free and independent' media, where an organisation funded entirely by every household on the island caters only for the wishes of a handful of people in government and their supporters. At its most basic, it is a criminal organisation which has consistently broken the law, and seems completely oblivious and ignorant of its objects and responsibilities as delineated by Section 4 of the MBC Act, 1982, and para 4(h)(iii) of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act which insists in black and white that it will " ensure that broadcasting services are IMPARTIAL AND ACCURATE".

Now, can anyone from living memory ever remember the MBC to provide "an impartial and accurate service"?  Do Ramgoolam, Berenger, Duval, or Boolell really believe that we will simply accept their stupid slogans with no mention about the REAL changes that a sick MBC badly needs?

What Ramgoolam and others need to do in order to regain the credibility and the confidence of the many who are thoroughly pissed off with the MBC is to attack the source of the problem, so that it becomes impossible for mercenary idiots and zombies to again turn our MBC into the prostitute of those we have voted into government. In other words, he needs to get the zavokas scrambling for that precious ticket for the next elections to start drafting a new MBC Act and a new IBA act so that any disregard or ignorance of the duties and responsibilities of those two institutions becomes a criminal offence deserving of heavy fines and imprisonment for those in charge of those institutions.  

If you read these two items of completely useless laws known as the MBC Act and the IBA Act, you will see that these were tailor made for anyone elected Prime Minister to use and abuse the MBC as they wish. Para 6 of the MBC Act tells us that the Board is made up ENTIRELY of people appointed ONLY by the Prime Minister. It also tells us that no members of the National Assembly or of a political party can become Board members, as presumably only unofficial soucerres and roder bouttes who will obey the PM will get on the board...

There is also something called a General Advisory Council, who will advise the MINISTER and the board on ANY matter relating to programme broadcasting.....And guess who nominates them, all 23 of them? Yes, the fucking Prime Minister, who will also appoint the Chairperson and the Vice chairperson of the Council of Zombies!

Oh, by the way, the Prime Minister appoints the director, and the Deputy DG of the MBC too....  
As for the IBA, that inanimate, putrefying corpse is appointed by....yes, you have guessed right, the Prime Minister, too, after President Baigan has presumably been told to "Ta, appoint san la

That is why we have always had such a crap MBC, funded by ALL of us: The only TV station in our island, funded by ALL of us, but which ALL our Prime Ministers have used and abused as if it belongs to mari zot mama. It really is like giving bananas to monkeys... 

So, Navin Ramgoolam, the lion sipaki kouyonade, if you really want to do something about the MBC, if you really want to regain some credibility, I would advise you to start with the scene of your many crimes, the MBC itself. It is no use having laws that many feel entitled to break at will, simply because there are no clear punitive measures for any infraction of that law. If you want to be credible, tell us in clear, unambiguous terms how you will stop treating the MBC as the PM's prostitute, as you and others have done on so many occasions.

For a start, you could perhaps consider asking for a judicial review by our Supreme Court of the number of times the MBC has broken its own law...One example that springs to mind is the way it abominably allowed itself to be commandeered by Wilkinson, Bhadain, SAJ, and some accuntants, etc  and given free rein to propagate false, calumnious news about BAI/Bramer in 2015-2016, in order to justify the theft of all of Dawood Rawat's assets. Hopefully, even now, a not entirely satisfactory Supreme court will find it unpalatable that such a thing could happen in an etat de droit.

But constantly yapping about the MBC being a boite de propagande, ene pouritire etc sounds too much like "Guet ki ban la p fer" when we know that you and others did the same thing, although admittedly not to the venomous and nasty extent that it has now become since 2014. 

So, change those decrepit useless laws and make it a criminal offence for all those who want to prostitute themselves at the MBC and who distort the news every day. Empty slogans about the MBC sound too empty. Change the laws!

Lundi 19 Octobre 2020