
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Urgent! Crowd funding appeal for someone who apparently can't see and hear properly...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Jeudi 19 Novembre 2020

Please Lepep Admirab, contribute generously. This is a terribly sad case of a gentleman who can no longer see or hear properly. For more than a week, most of us have watched a video of a minister making all sorts of promises to the electorate of Chemin Grenier. Oui, vote pou Parasol, ki kouma zot koner c symbol pou nou Lachanya local, nou Rihanna avek so parasol enpoisonee...

" Sur cette vidéo, on entend Alan Ganoo promettre aux habitants de l’emploi dans la fonction publique, notamment au sein de la National Transport Corporation, la police et la Cargo Handling Corporation Limited. Le ministre affirme qu’il fera son maximum pour les jeunes qui ont fait acte de candidature dans ces divers secteurs. Avant d’enchaîner sur les permis de taxis qui seront disponibles. " 

Missier Irfan Rahman, nou Komisser Elektoral en permanence,  bien bizin ene hearing aid et ene walking stick pou li kapav sorti in p et guetter kouma la loi elektoral ki li soidizan en sarz p bafouer par sa ggt ministre la. Pou elections zeneral 2019, sa ti handicap li boukou, et pov diab la pa ti truv computer illegal dan biro votes, et p enkor sey dekouver sa mazik ki ti ressi fer dimoune mort al voter et ki ti enpesse dimoune ki enkor vivan al voter. Plis ene kantite lezot fautes ki li pa truver...

Please people! Contribute generously! You have all seen the video of Alan Ganoo being the cunt that he has always been. Please give the equipment that poor Mr Rahman badly needs in order to see what the rest of us can easily see...We will also promise to send him a copy of the Privy Council's ruling on Ashok Jugnauth in 2008 when he promised all sorts of goodies during the electoral campaign...

Failing that, we will send the poor Electoral Commissioner a year's supply of Sanatogen....and a stainless steel backbone so that he can do the job in the professional manner that we, Lepep Admirab, pays him to do.

Jeudi 19 Novembre 2020

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