Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] The things they say...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Mardi 25 Janvier 2022

1/ Irfan Rahman, on 14th November 2019, re ballot papers taking a leisurely walk in the park, the woods, anywhere except the ballot box: "  «Cette situation est prise très au sérieux. C’est très grave. Nous demandons à la police d’agir rapidement afin de savoir d’où provient ce bulletin», a fait ressortir Irfan Rahman."....."   «Nous devrons prendre des actions décisives parce que pour nous c’est très grave. Attendons les conclusions de l’enquête de la police.»"

Clearly Irfan Rahman has a problem with the language that we all use and understand. We know what "prise tres au serieux, tres grave, agir rapidement, actions decisives, tres grave" mean, but does he? Over 26 months later, what was "prise tres au serieux", was " tres graves", and making demands for the police to "agir rapidement" have turned out to be the bullshit usually peddled by our politicians but which since 2014 appear to have become second nature to our "civil" servants. 

Our "civil" servants have now become experts in duplicity, mendacity, and telling lies, and doing everything possible to protect corrupt ministers and cover the arses of our crap politicians.

A Civil servant who respects even a cent of the hundreds of thousand rupees we pay him each year would, at the very least, have kept us informed about the progress of the police inquiry; and if he knows, as we all do, that the police p plak lor zot fesse et pa p fer narien, he would have organised a press conference and expressed his outrage that "la police pa p pran sa serier". 2 years later, nothing....

2/ Remember Medaven Armoogum, the T square man who was Returning Officer in Constituency 5? When a journalist asked him the eminently sensible question, whether he will " agréer à la demande des internautes de venir faire un live avec les fonctionnaires qui ont pu faire un tel rangement ?", what was his answer? «La Commission électorale connaît l’identité de ces personnes. C’est à elle d’en juger. Pas à moi.»" I suppose this is the magistrate's version of "Pa moi sa, li sa". 

The Electoral Commissioner has of course never had the decency or the courage to give us a demonstration of the wonderful T Squares....

Medaven Armoogum is now an Intermediate Court magistrate....Rahman was apparently promised the biggest jackpot, a tax free lottery win every month until he dies, the Presidency of Mauritius...Unfortunately, President Baigan beat him to it.

Mardi 25 Janvier 2022