Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] The Malevolent Bullshitting Corporation...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Jeudi 5 Décembre 2019

The Malevolent Bullshitting Corporation, where Government pimps, back stabbers, and women wearing YoYo knickers thrive at our expense....

We are a Lepep Admirab. Really, we are. We accept without any protest the fact that every month, each one of us gives an organisation Rs 150, and in return we get next to fuck all. Worse, most of the people 'chosen' to run that organisation are invariably the scum of the earth, a bunch of useless individuals with massive egos which are in stark contrast to the absence of professionalism, integrity, and decency that these sad individuals exhibit on a daily basis.

And we pay them Rs 150 every month for that very dubious privilege, another example of Lepep Admirab treated with contempt and turned into Lepep Kouyon by scum....

First we had the episode of the Chairman of the MBC becoming the DG who then resigned parski pov diab la in travay tro dire souce trou fesse Pravin Jugnauth, and the disgusting little fellow with the clown's moustache decided to resign to 'spend time with his family'....

Presumably, the family got so fed up with his boring presence at home for only one month that a special plea was made to la cuisine to turn him into a 'Consultant' at a MBC already full of Cuntsultants....and the cuntsultant felt at home again at the abode for so many cunts.

Come the general elections, and the Cuntsultant Supreme behaved like the true cunt that he is and turned the MBC into the MSMBC, with non stop propaganda, fake news, and blatant breaking of the law on a daily basis. Court orders were ignored, bank details of an opponent were plastered with the opinions of one rupee a day 'experts', and gogotologues and sousoutologues desperately trying to justify the title given to them by useless zourlanus of 'observateurs politiques' or 'politologues'.

And he also corralled probably the most awful, repulsive, and disgusting "socio cultural" thug of the lot, Somdumbo Dulthaidiot, to distort an admittedly stupid speech by Navin Ramgoolam into one of "Hindu Bashing". And all at your expense, you darling Lepep Admirab!

You have heard of the episode where Joanna Berenger was interviewed by Kendy Mangra on the very topical issue of domestic violence, but as she is MMM and not a member of la cuisine, some idiot called Ravin Joypaul, freshly promoted to Chef de Radaction at the MBC, decided not to broadcast it....and because of the bad publicity for this stupid decision, is apparently and with the usual cowardice now trying to say that it will be shown in a future programme...

Another arsehole with the name David Boodna, assistant to Ravin Joypaul, put all the blame on Mangra because apparently he, the Great One, had not been consulted...Lese- majeste, eh?

On 20th November, the 'logistics' coordinator, Sailesh Beejmohun was having a wonderful time swimming in Blue Bay with his girlfriend from IoN "News", Hilla something, when he was supposed to be covering a function of ICAC. When he was asked to justify his absence, he put the blame on the driver/cameraman who told him to stick his finger up his arse, or words to that effect... Beejmohun is very close to Anooj Ramsurrun, and he was helped with his letter of 'explanation' by Anooj " Je suis Pravin Jugnauth" and Josian "Heinz" Valere, parski li dan tou la sauce li....

So, we now have Anooj, helped in no small measure by the idiots whose string he pulls whenever he needs something nasty done, trying to become DG of the MBC again...

The current DG Ramdenee can't even see what is going on as he seems too preoccupied with a "corpse", some wannabe who does not mind 'working' with the DG until 7-8 in the evening. Such devotion to the job, eh? The corpse is now an 'animatrice', which I suppose is the word used to reanimate dead objects..

Many of the women at the MBC behave like appendages of the men who exploit them. Some find wearing Yo Yo knickers to be very useful, and have discovered that up and down is the best position for their knickers, at least those who still wear them....

Others are the worst backstabbers on earth, and will stab other women just to move one inch higher on the pecking order...even the women who have helped them in this culture of rampant misogyny and racism. Are they stupid? Or just loose? or simply opportunistic bitches on heat?

Ravin Joypaul was chosen by Cuntsultant Anooj to be responsable de redaction...the same Anooj who has often said "Si mo dire Ravin manz kk, li pou manzer!" Joypaul was once slashed with a cutter and tried to turn it into a political thing, although the truth is that he received that because he found a Loretto Convent Girl rather too irresistible..

Ravin Joypaul is now Acting Director of News at the MBC...The poor sod is working so hard that every day he goes for lunch at 11.30 and returns to the MBC at 3.15 p.m. He then talks to his secretary and has a briefing for one hour. So, the journalists who have done their montage and are due to finish work at 5 often have to wait until 6-7 p.m. before leaving, as our local Steven Spielberg has to vet the montage, then kasser rearranzer...

This is what your new Director of News had on his table at the MBC for over a year. Which begs the question: Eski ene gogot kouma li bien bizin ene lartik pou dire li ene gogot ki eter? Et li met sa lor lo sa tab san realiser ki dimoune pou dire, "Vreman ene gogot sa boug la!". And you are surprised that the daily "Journal" is nothing but full of gogotri?

Kontinier paye zot Rs 150 sak moi, mam! Zot kontan nourri parasites, non?

Jeudi 5 Décembre 2019