Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] The Chagossians will soon confirm UK's sovereignity over the Chagos...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 25 Mars 2022

Forget all the "brilliant" legal battles that we have won at the UN and in various international courts. They mean nothing, because their findings, albeit in our favour, are considered merely as an "advisory opinion" and therefore have no force of law.

If anything, all these legal "victories" have highlighted only one thing: that Pravind Jugnauth has shown quite conclusively that he knows nothing about international diplomacy and still naively believes that insulting the USA and the UK and accusing them of hypocrisy will somehow convince them to vacate the islands and to return them under Mauritian sovereignty....Incidentally, the UK and the USA happen to be among our biggest trading partners, whilst China, Russia, India, Arab countries, Pakistan, etc buy only a few cents' worth of goods from us every year...

You would have noticed that neither the UK nor the USA have ever responded to Pravind Jugnauth's insults and have instead chosen to blissfully ignore them. At the same time, the UK has come up with the simplest route to confirming UK sovereignty over the Chagos: bribe the Chagossians with a UK passport, FREE OF CHARGE! In an amendment to the Borders and Nationality Bill, the UK government will give descendants of native-born Chagossians the right to apply to register as BOTCs (British Overseas Territories Citizens) and British citizens, free of charge, within five years of commencement....

The provision gives nationality “otherwise than by descent”, meaning those who qualify to be registered under it would also be able to pass it on to their children born abroad..

You may say, so what? I'll tell you what the UK government, "Perfidious Albion", will do next. On 12th March (!!) 2013, following a two day referendum where the Falklanders were asked "Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?", the results were: "Of 1,517 votes cast in the two-day referendum - on a turnout of more than 90% - 1,513 were in favour, while just three votes were against." That put an end to Argentina's claim of sovereignty over the Malvinas, as they call the Falklands....

The UK Foreign Secretary at the time, William Hague, said that  "We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures and to decide on the path they wish to take. It is only right that, in the 21st Century, these rights are respected." 

Now, change the word "Falklands people" and replace them with "Chagossian People", and this is what will happen in the next few years. The UK will "magnanimously" hold a referendum where all Chagossians will vote on whether to retain UK sovereignty over the Chagos islands or not. It is estimated that around 5000 Chagossians and their descendants living in the UK will apply for the UK passport, and can anyone imagine them voting against UK sovereignty of the Chagos? Remember: Many Chagossians living in Mauritius will also be entitled to apply for a UK passport, move to the UK, improve their standards of living, and provide a better future for their children. Do you think they will vote against and instead prefer to be ruled by le jeune et dynamique Pravind Kumar Jugnauth? Like hell they will...

Our "free and independent" media, as well as the government, have put all their eggs in one basket: the clique led by Olivier Bancoult. All that has been achieved by this short sighted policy is to enhance the standard of living of Olivier Bancoult, pay for his fares around the world, provide him with substantial per diem, etc...

We will soon realise that the Chagossians, for better or for worse, will much prefer to swear allegiance to the Queen than to a banana republic that has always used them for political reasons, and which has not done much to alleviate the terrible poverty many of them live in...

Wait and see. Ignore the ramblings of Pravind Jugnauth and watch how in the next few years, the Chagossians themselves will hand over the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to the UK.
And that will be a sad day for Mauritius..

Vendredi 25 Mars 2022