Paul Lismore


Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Samedi 15 Septembre 2018

I wrote the attached post 3 years ago. Read it, together with the article linked to it, and ask yourself whether we can really claim to live in an etat de droit where the Rule of Law applies to everyone.

We have a police force led by a dummy who is good only to say 'yes' to the Prime Minister, and any politician who happens to be in the government...that is not so unusual as it is impossible to find any police commissioner who has ever exercised the independence that our Constitution guarantees him.

But our Marionette has exceeded every one in the bowing and scraping department and is the undisputed champion in the Brown Nosing Challenge Cup. I hate to think what his bill for toilet papers must be, having to clean that nose so often every day...

We have a justice system led by a mafia of lawyers with the Grand Lodge euphemistically called the 'Bar Council'...this is the name given to a group of somnolent, intensely arrogant individuals who have a very selective approach on the rare occasions it wakes up to start disciplinary proceedings against someone they consider as a recalcitrant lawyer. The big sharks remain untouched because they pull the strings of this bunch of passive puppets...

We have judges and magistrates who probably believe that any trial that takes less than a fortnight to conclude is a gross infringement of their own 'human rights' to do things according to their own incredible wisdom and sense of grandeur. Any abuse of process application which takes a British judge less than a few hours to decide upon its merits takes our honourable judges and magistrates months to cogitate upon...and invariably, the decision will be a favourable one if the accused is a serviteur du pays, a spud peeler in la cuisine who perhaps knows too much, or someone with the means to make the wheels of justice turn magically in his favour... 

The above may be harsh, but it is a true reflection of how most people feel about our so called justice system. Do the tenors, judges, magistrates or zavokas care? Eoula! Nou ban learned dimoune nou, alor pa vine dire nou kouma pou fer nou travay pou servi nou pays! BTW, this piece of advice will cost you Rs 10,000, in cash if you don't mind...

In the meantime, aggressive psychopaths have taken over our lives and the only people safe from these violent bastards are the ministers using our police officers as their personal bodyguards/shopping assistants/errand boys. "Nou pou kass le rein mafia la drog!", the PM repeatedly tells us, whilst we look with dismay at the increasing number of people on drugs, and how most of our streets have become no go areas from 5 pm onwards where drugs are openly sold.

And we ask ourselves how come the one caught with the largest amount of heroin so far, Kistnah, was not even called to give evidence at the Commission on Drugs, and how he received an unofficial visit from a top gablou from the PMO when he was still in the cells in Mozambique, waiting his transfer to Mauritius. " We still do not know the purpose for that visit..."Mo pou kass le rein mafia la drog"? Really?

I do not know whether Mr Heeralall Ramsawhook (see attached link) has received any justice from our honourable judges yet. I hope so. Or perhaps he was right when he said " Depuis le 11 juillet 2014, « la kour inn dir pu rann zugema-la. Ziska zordi mo enkor pe atann. Mo finn gayn 89 ans. Kan zot pu rann zugema. Kan mo finn fini mor ? » lance Heeralall d’un ton irrité.

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Samedi 15 Septembre 2018