Paul Lismore


Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Mardi 2 Juillet 2019

" Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal."---Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yes, it is a law that is an open invitation to politicians to loot our money by making an absolute fortune simply by taking a lease from us for a nominal sum of money, converting the leaseholding into a company, then selling the shares of that company(often overnight) for tens of millions of rupees with every cent going into the pockets of the corrupt bastard. 

They have all done it, politicians of ALL parties, either through their own names or via their soucerres. The other scam of course is to convert a private lease of our land into an 'industrial lease' and thereby amass huge amounts of money in terms of rental reduction and fiscal 'incentives'. And that would explain why no politician has ever highlighted this 'legal' scam, because many of them hope to benefit one day from this bare faced abuse and theft of our national asset, our prime lands. It has been happening for decades now, but no one talks about it. 

This is no simple elephant in the room, that no one talks about: this one is shitting huge loads of chewed matter in our living rooms and we all pretend that we cannot see or smell the stench. 

The Ayatollah Mouftah did precisely this last year when he said that he had done nothing illegal with regards to the jackpot of Rs 48 millions that had landed into his family's lap, when he sold the lease of his canpman on our State Lands. 

You see, there is nothing in the State Lands Act that can stop Soodhun, or the many other politicians and their friends/relatives/macros who have done exactly the same thing, from selling a lease on our land at many times its value soon after signing on the dotted lines....and pocketing the lot. 

They say that God works in mysterious ways, but there is nothing mysterious about the way some of our laws have been drafted with only one thing in mind: for the maximum benefit of our politicians, so that in the unlikely event that the chuttur ka mou in charge of ICAC removes his finger from his arse and sues any politician, the thieving bastard can then tell us how he believes in 'la justice divine', how he 'ena full confiance dan nou judiciaire', how we live in an etat de droit', followed by the inevitable "Je suis serein". 

So, Soodhun was merely doing what many other politicians have done in the past and will continue to do until one politician, just one, has the decency to highlight the flagrant loopholes in the State Lands Act, and to ask either for that ludicrous passport to wealth to be thrown in the bin or to be modified substantially. But then why would the beneficiaries of a corrupt piece of legislation seek to nullify what has proved to be very profitable for most of them since independence? 

Have you ever heard even one politician from ANY party, any zourlanus, any gogotologue, or any wannabe mention Para 6 of the State Lands Act? Read it and you will understand why they have all been very chup chap over this: 

" 6. Leases of State Land: 
1. ALL leases of state land SHALL be- 
(a) by PUBLIC AUCTION, notice of which shall be given in the Gazette, and 2 daily newspapers, at least 2 weeks before the day fixed for the auction". Have you ever seen any advert for the lease of state lands? No? This is why, the let out clause for the thieves to rob us blind. Para 6(1)(a) continues with " or by private contract on such terms and conditions , not inconsistent with this Act, AS THE MINISTER MAY APPROVE". 

So, the minister may (meaning "Will approve", if the application comes from another politician or any idiot as long as he/she is nou bann ...)and completely ignore the public auction bit....Have you ever seen any advert in any newspaper from the government asking for bids for a lovely bit of State Lands by the seaside? No? Thought so. Because it is all done in whispering tones, behind closed doors, dan zorey ministre la... 

You think I am being harsh? Read the attached post in the first comment* and ask yourself this question: 

Why hasn't one paper, one zourlanus/journalist, one politician from any party, one wannabe, or anyone else ever mentioned Lutchmeenaraidoo's extremely good fortune? What is the difference between Wilkinson's 'stroke of luck' and the Ayatollah Mouftah's? None, apart from the fact that Wilko's son was only 10 years old when he was director of the company holding the lease on a prime bit of our State Lands..... 

If you think that the Ayatollah Mouftah and Wilkinson are the only two who have become immensely rich through the sale of the lease of OUR land, then you are living in cloud cuckoo land. If you add up all the huge profits made by various politicians, their friends/relatives/ macros on selling the lease to our lands and grabbing all the profits, you will see that billions of rupees have ended up in the pockets of the thieving bastards...and all legally of course. 


Mardi 2 Juillet 2019