Paul Lismore


Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Mercredi 6 Novembre 2019

" There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."---Malcolm X

Whichever way you look at it, there is only one man, one political leader, who has come back from the overwhelming odds against him. When everyone else had written their obituary on his political career, often in quite insulting and derogatory terms, he has risen up again and shown himself to be the leader who has yet to show his full potential.

Despite facing the enormous difficulty of having the 'traditional press' largely favouring his neighbour and opponent, the toilet papers of Lee Shim and Gohin unleashing a quite offensive barrage of fake news and destructive montage of his private life, the trolls being paid to vomit daily some quite stupid slogans cooked in la cuisine against him, the signs are unmistakeable:

Navin Ramgoolam will be Prime Minister on Friday.

It is quite amazing how so called zourlanus have now decided to parade their virulent anti India views in a manner that shows how little they know about politics.

These idiots will do anything in order to boost the electoral chances of their Messiah, the chap apparently with la main prop and la tete haute, which raises some concern over the state of his head if he walks into a doorway which is significantly shorter than his height and he maintains his la tete haute nonsense....

Apparently, those zourlanus, including an old goat whose 'interviews' often act as a lovely substitute for Mogadon, have decided that Insidious India has ordered Ramgoolam and the Jugnauths to talk and to arrange a post electoral PTr/MSM coalition! Now, you would have to be mad and on massive doses of tranquillisers to actually believe this nonsense, that Ramgoolam would want to be in the same room as the Jugs without wanting to slap them hard and continuously, with a few LKZMM thrown in for good measure.

Ki zot gagner, zourlanus? Kumsa kontan soucer ki kk in rant dan la tete kumsa? There is as much chance of Ramgoolam joining forces with the Jugs as there is of Berenger stopping his la main prop nonsense, i.e. none. Or put it another way, Berenger has no problem finding his way to La Caverne in the same way he did in 1982, 1991, 2000, 2012, although the birthday cake he shared with SAJ in 2014 gave him the hiccups and he coughed Ramgoolam's name in a desperate desire to cure himself, and instead poisoned himself more....

The electoral campaign has shown us that Ramgoolam is the best orator of them all, and that Berenger made an excellent speech outside Bar Chacha, but then made the mistake of repeating the same speech on every subsequent occasion; that Berenger was quite lenient on the massive financial crimes of the MSM/ML government and took a broad brush approach to them, but was more intent on copying the same, boring themes of the MSM against Ramgoolam:

coffre fort, film porno (that one always gets a laugh from people who have apparently never strayed from the marital bed, and who fuck only in months that do not have the letter 'r'...)

How hypocritical can you get when we all know that ALL political leaders receive massive donations from the private sector, and they ALL have mistresses?

At least, we know that Ramgoolam's donations politiques are safe and still in his coffre fort at Casernes, but will Berenger, the Jugs, Zaza, etc tell us how they have spent the hundreds of millions of rupees that they have received over the years?

Sometimes, I really wish that Ramgoolam had another mistress who sold carri poulle, if only to allow the zombies to learn how to write another word instead of the usual and quite stale 'cotomili'....

So, what will the results show on Friday? I believe that they will show that the MMM has made a remarkable comeback when only a few months ago, most people believed that party was dead and buried. This includes the renouvowallahs who, after having copiously insulted Berenger since 2014 when they were looking for their bouttes in new parties, have now rediscovered their Messiah...

When first Ganoo and the other mercenaries/traitors left the MMM at its lowest point in its history, and then Obeedoobeedoo and other arrogant idiots did likewise earlier this year, not many people could have given the MMM any chance of coming back.

But Berenger's master stroke of going it alone was hugely significant, and the non stop release of fake videos and fake news from the MSM and its zombies with retaliatory action by the PTr has allowed the MMM to sail through the campaign by pretending to be squeaky clean...

Where earlier this year, Berenger was in grave danger of losing his seat, I believe he will top the list in his constituency. As will Ramgoolam in number 10. It is quite funny to hear Berenger and Jugnauth mock Ramgoolam for changing constituencies, when they have both done exactly the same thing in the past.

Ramgoolam and Berenger will top the list of candidates in their constituencies and the MMM will obtain a quite extraordinary result when one remembers that a few months ago, they would have been lucky to elect even one.

What about Pravin Jugnauth? I fear he is the only leader,( apart from the poison dwarf with the overactive cock, Ivan, who will definitely lose and perhaps Zaza being in the danger zone too,) who is most likely to lose, and the soundings in number 8 do not look favourable for him. Maybe the huge number of millions of rupees that will be distributed tonight will tip the balance in his favour, but even then, I fear he will scrape into 3rd only...

So, how do I think the results will go: As stupid people tend to end their stupid comments with a " c zis mo lopinion, sa!", as if anyone else could have possibly come up with something as stupid as that, these forecasts are zis mo lopinion sa...But they are based on a careful analysis of everything that makes Elections day in Mauritius such a fantastic event. My predictions are:

PTr: at least 38 seats.
MMM: 10-15 seats
MSM/ML: less than 10 seats.

If the above is true, it will be an outstandingly good result for both the PTr and the MMM. They have both plumbed the depths where it is always very difficult to recover from, but they have. The MSM will lose badly because of their incredible arrogance, the amazing stupidity of their 'advisers', and the boomerang like effect of the constant fake news of the toilet papers of Lee Shim and Gohin: Insane News, Zordi, Mazavarou, Wazaa, etc have choked the life out of the MSM simply by sucking too hard and too deep, and for taking Lepep Kouyon for vreman kouyon.

Whether you like him or not, credit must be given to Ramgoolam for having come through the adversity that would have finished off other politicians. As he stands on the threshold of becoming Prime Minister again, one can only hope that this time he will learn from his mistakes, learn to choose real friends instead of being conned by the fake words of his soucerres, and become the Prime Minister that he always had the potential to be but has yet to fulfil.

He will have 5 years to show us the powers of redemption and how to learn and act upon the lessons of history. Ramgoolam as PM and Berenger as leader of the opposition (a role in which he excels, it has to be said) provides the setting of some decent battles in the National Assembly, instead of the farce we have had to endure over the last 5 years.

Mercredi 6 Novembre 2019