Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Rotten institutions with rotten people can and should never be respected

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Mercredi 16 Décembre 2020

" A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad."--Albert Camus.

The reaction of our "free and independent" press to yet another suspension of Top fm by the "Independent" Broadcasting Authority is a clear example of the validity and acuity of Camus' observation:

I have yet to see any article or editorial condemning this monstrous assault on press freedom from zourlanus who never stop talking about 'ethics' or 'integrity'. Only Zinfos Moris has condemned what all freedom loving Mauritians, the real patriots, have condemned: another barbaric assault on a news medium seen to be too anti government and perhaps too pro opposition...This perhaps highlights the fact that when it comes to it, most zourlanus are cardboard cutouts of hypocrites pretending to be independent and free.

Let me show you who are the members of this bastion of corruption known as the IBA:

1/ The chairman is someone called Bhooneswar Rajkumarsingh, whose 2 areas of expertise are in taxis, and the compulsion to say "Oui, madame" to she who must be obeyed in la cuisine. In other words, an arse licking neanderthal.

2/ 3/ Two ultra obedient servants from the Prime Minister's Office.

4/ Marie Ann Jaunboccus, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of no Culture and the dark Arts. 

5/ Dick, Fu Man Chu, a mediocre zavoka who is also chairman of another branch of la cuisine, known as ICTA.

6/7/ Anirood Pursonon, Sohun Neerunjun: two nonentities to make up the numbers, I suppose.

8/ Sachin Jootun, an idiot who used to make mediocre little films for the MSM and who now considers himself to be our Steven Spielberg. Has made an absolute fortune in per diem, the so called Film Rebate Scheme that has swallowed hundreds of millions of our rupees, and has travelled around the world at our expense, all approved of course by le ti cretin.

9/ Last but not least, the man who is on more boards than we have had hot dinners, our lovely Solicitor General, Dhiren Dabee. Sorry, I should have put his tin medal next to his name, the GCSK that is given as reward to the most prodigious arse licker of ALL our Prime Ministers. Dabee has been and remains on the Board of so many malfunctioning para statals and various institutions that one wonders whether incompetence and arse licking are the only requirements for those nominations...Still, the Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 that each nomination brings him must help to supplement his already huge salary as Solicitor General...and might explain why so many of our laws are so badly drafted if he spends all his time trying to look important on Boards that are now the enemy of the people.

As you can see, all these individuals owe their nominations to Pravind Jugnauth, and you are going to tell me that the IBA deserves the "Independent" in its name?

Never mind Pravind Jugnauth! What about the PTr, the MMM, the PMSD, and all those pestilential little bastards who keep telling us they will 'gouverner autrement'? How come they never, ever tell us what they will do to change such a rotten, corrupt system? What about the fucking zourlanus? When will they stop pontificating or trying to show us how 'caring/sharing' they are, when we know that most of them are mercenary little oiks who are as good at arse licking politicians as the trolls that pollute social media?

So, top fm has been banned, and the rest of the press finds it hard to condemn the IBA? Is it cowardice, or a sense of cynical, opportunism that makes them believe " Si IBA p kraz Top fm, possib IBA pou laisse nou trankil, alor chup chap"? Shame on you!

And shame on Dhiren Dabee, Solicitor General, lawyer. Your collusion with the forces of darkness shows that you have yet to understand the nobility of the profession that you have chosen, and that your grasp of the power of laws to change society for the better remains a long way behind your overriding need to be seen to please the masters in power.

I am no fan of Top fm; I certainly find its owner to be somewhat too keen to grab an opportunity to embark on a political career, a desire which seems based entirely on his acknowledged ability to irritate the cretins in power....but I don't forget that top fm was 100% on the side of the Jugs during the electoral campaign of 2014. Murvyn, on the other hand, is a real credit to journalism, both in terms of personality and ability to have a go at all sides of the political equation.

But when a Board of nincompoops and patented arse lickers at the IBA continually harass Top fm whilst simultaneously leaving cancers like Insane News, Waazaa, and other toilet gadgets to propagate their poison, then I say without any hesitation that I am with Top fm.

 For once, I will follow the words of SAJ and declare that mo piss lor zot!

Mercredi 16 Décembre 2020