Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Quiz du jour...

Rédigé par E. Moris le Dimanche 5 Juin 2022

Question 1: Which incredibly arrogant and very useless zavoka was caught having jig jig with an underage girl from Roche Bois many years ago? When the ex wife caught him ravaging that under age girl, she made a deposition to the police.  What happened next?

The brothers and cousins of the minor girl kidnapped the zavoka, and two of them nettoye so moteur derriere, then beat him up badly, which would explain why he walks rather awkwardly... Did he go to court and face charges of unlawful sexual intercourse with an underage girl? Was he beaten up by our lovely gablous, a torche electrik put to his gonads, and forced to sing "Pa bon fer malice ar ti tifi", a song rapidly composed by our artistic gablous? Eoula! Ici, c Lil Moriste, and nou dan ene etat de droit! Therefore, through the services of a well known and respected lawyer, the zavoka whose brains are in his testicles, gave the minor's family a huge sum of money. 

Result? The charge was dropped, and the ex-wife was persuaded to withdraw her deposition....
The zavoka however remains an incurable bhai lookhe and still cannot control his desire to peep behind our curtains....

Question number 2: Which senior police officer has a mistress (granted, most of them do...), and often takes her to a bungalow in Albion where he shows her the intricate art of stripping the bare details of their relationship, grilling her on his performance and the thrust of his work, whether he is "discharging" his responsibilities with great desire, and ensuring that all his demands for personal satisfaction are met with an enthusiastic, "I am coming!"? 

Although he draws his old age pension, he often tells her, " Vier poukni souffler pli bien!" And tells her, nou contrat pou fer, li en beton sa, parey kouma mo contrat pou sa top post dan Casernes, kot zot tou dire, "to ene fesse kom gablou, mai to meme mari!"...

If you know the answer to both questions, as I have given you enough clues, pa met reponses la ici...Sinon, ban la pou fer toi danse touni et sant "God save the Queen", et aprer met ene sarz provisoire lor toi, ICTA sipaki ggtri....

Dimanche 5 Juin 2022