
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Lil Moriste...kot linpossib vine possib et vice versa

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Samedi 8 Octobre 2022

First of all, pou ban bhai lookhes trolls/chatwas, "vice versa" pena narien a fer avek vice ou le licema kan versee, ok? Sorry, si kouma zot truv titre sa lartik la, zot lamoresse in fini desan kot zot civi, et la main nepli lor Tik Tok mai lor sa zafer ki kontrol zot lespri Toke la...

Ki ban zafer ki inpossib mai ki ena p rode fer koir ki li bien possib dan Moriste?

1/ Mo lire ene lartik de ene mo ban journalistes preferee de L'Express: El Figaro. Li dire ki " il faudrait bien que PKJ commence par exprimer ses sincères regrets pour le démantèlement brutal du groupe BAI et le vol de ses avoirs. Et il n’est pas trop tard pour réparer, autant que possible, les pénibles et douloureux dégâts engendrés par cette tragédie politiquement orchestrée."

Eoula, El! 14 p glisser? Dan ki le monde ou kone kot ene spoilt brat pou dire "sorry" kan li in fane le kk? Sirtou kan li et so ban kamarades, (including le grand Roshi at that time...) in kokin tou larzan et assets ene dimoune et in partaz sa dan ene mari grand soldes a zot ban soucerres? Et, to add salt to injury, in bien maltrete boug la en technicolour lor gran TV louer specialman pou lokazion, dan sa loka ki apel MBC? And, lest we forget, aided and abetted by zourlanus from ALL the papers in our "free and independent" press ki koir ki Ponzi, c gran frere demagozi sa....

Evidaman et Bien sure, there is as much chance of Pravind Jugnauth or any of his band of gangsters and marauders saying "sorry" for the wilful and wanton destruction of BAI as there is of Lady Macbeth telling her Facebook moderators to leave my Facebook page alone: Nil!

2/ Most people with even half a brain know who was behind the callous attempt to sabotage the Maiden Cup last week. There is talk of a white car, but unfortunately, the CCID takes notice only of orange cars to salute and red, blue, or purple cars to bez koute matrak...White car, no Sir!  Maybe they seem invisible because of their whiteness on the "Safe" City CCTV cameras...

It is not surprising at all that Lee Ki Shim's CCTV cameras at the Champs de Mars were switched off ONLY on that night..But our wonderful police do not see anything suspicious at all. Oh no! Ban bon dimounes sa, ban anges...

Maybe the CCID will do the impossible soon and find someone who will say, "Mo meme sa Missier. Mo ti fer sa pou MTC. Mo dimane la cour, ban souval la, ban jockeys, Mo tantine Claudette ki kontan kouy zoli gato brinzel pou moi avek so satini bien tamam, et nou grand premier ministre, exkiz! Mille foi, maaf karo!"

Et Dipshit pou fer ene lot conference de presse pou montrer nou kouma Scotland Yard bien bizin ene zeni kouma li kom London police commissioner...

3/ Ninporte kommien foi Berenger dire ki Bodha pou vine ene grand premier ministre, la plipar dimoune truv zis so gagne ene parfum du Bois de Rose. Bodha kom PM, sa c vreman dan le monde de linpossib sa.... But then, they did nominate a gato brinzel as our President, didn't they?  Which proves that the impossible often becomes quite possible dan lil Moriste..

Samedi 8 Octobre 2022

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