Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Komisser elektoral p azir kouma dire li p rann nou ene gran service. EOULA! Sharam Naiba?

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 14 Janvier 2022

Vreman ena bez dan sa ggt pays la! Ene boug arete kou pied nou fesse et decide pou donne nou ene ti "friendly" kalotte instead, et nou dire " Merci Missier"?

Guet ki li dire dan la cour, kouma dire li in fer mari sacrifice, et alor nou bizin aster al alime ene kanf divan li: "« I have decided not to oppose the prayer for recount ».... How generous of you....Same as for the last two years, you have decided to side with the government and opposed EVERY electoral petition by the opposition!

But it gets worse! Sa zoave la bizin vine politicien, parski li in fini aprane kouma pou met kk dan zoli parcel et apel sa "chocolat"..." I am being guided as I have always been, by the values of transparency and fairness. I am also mindful of the fact that public confidence in the election process is key and my stand is dictated, as it has always been, by the need to leave no doubt about the integrity of the counting process in general"....Eski li tande ki li dire, sa boug la?

"Transparency and fairness": avek computers ki to pa laisse lopposition konne? avek ballot papers dan la nature ki nou nepli kone kot lenket en fesse ete? Avek dimoune morts sorti dan serkey et vine vote? Kan nou pa kone vreman kommien Bangla Deshis in voter, et Kistnen pa in kapav dire nou avan ki zot touy li? Kan dimoune ki in voter toute long zot la vi ene sel kou nepli truv zot nom lor la liste? Kan pa koner kommien dimoune in vote illegalman lor nom lezot dimoune?

"Public confidence"? Sa ti fini mort kan nou in truver kouma Electoral Services Commission in renpli ar ban laveur vessel depi la cuisine, et Komisser Electoral, c ene poltron ki p atane so bourzoi Pravind nomme li kom President nou pays. 

Eoula! Al dan bazar, al diboute kot Bus stop, al koz ar sofer taxi, koz ar ninport kisan la ki so la lang pa dan trou fesse Pravind, et zot tou pou dire, " Elections Kokin sa!" Mai apparaman pa faute komisser electoral, parski li believe in transparency and fairness, ok? Eh, bousse le tonkin, do!

In pran toi et to ban staff plis ki 2 ans pou dekouver ene simple formule: ki si to staff in kont plis bulletins de vote ki ti donne zot, sa v dire ki elections p kokin! Kan Bhadain ti dire toi dan so petition ki ena boukou plis votes ki nombre de votants, to pa fer ene ferfoute? B ki kalite komisser elektoral to ete toi? Blier to ban gran parcour al "observe" elections dan L'Afrik, parski en retour nou ti gagne sa ban ggt depi SADC ki ti truv tou korek dan elections 2019 a Moriste, non? Mo esperer zot ti bien manze , boir, et sey nou savate Dodo pendan zot ti sezour...

Mo truv in p dimounes p repete seki mo ti dire en Novam 2021: Mo ti warn zot ki meme si sa ban ziz la order recounts, na pa celebrer tro vite. Kifer? Parski kisan la ki garde tou boites votes depi dernier election? C SMF, ki tonb en ba DipShit. Kisan la ki ena confiance ki sa ban boites la in res vierz depi Novam 2019 et ki personne pa in al fer malelve ar zot?

As I said 2 months ago:
" The marionettes at the Electoral Services Commission and the police will tell us: personne pa kapav tousse sa ban ballot papers! How many of you would believe that as the truth? That those ballot papers are tamper proof? That no new ballot papers can be added or some old ones removed?
I for one would not be surprised at all when the recounts show that the MSM and ML winning candidates scored higher votes than were originally registered. You think I am crazy? Wait and see....
Mauritius, the island of miracles where if your victory with T Squares, Bangla Deshis, dead people, Kentucky, Lee Ki Shim so Goodwill, Rs 1000 notes, etc is contested, the revised results will show even more dead people having voted for Kings' party...The diminutive King will then shout, " Ene klak zot in gagner!"

I so hope I am wrong, and that the police, SMF, Electoral Commissioner, and ESC are really nice, wonderful people who believe in "transparency and fairness"...or, at least, understand what those 2 words mean. 

Finally, why is Boolell praising the Electoral Commissioner? As I said in the second sentence of this post, perhaps he now enjoys the fact that li nepli gagne kou pieds, et kontan zis ene ti kalotte aster depi Commission Electoral...

Eoula! The enemies of the people have not changed simply because they seem a bit "nicer" today. Stop being naive!

Vendredi 14 Janvier 2022