Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Kan dife dan fesse akoz Angus Road, ban laches pou zet la poud divan lizier...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Mercredi 11 Aout 2021

Oui, mes chers compatriotes. Zot rapel sa post hier la kot mo ti copier Ken Arianus so malpropte menace? Kot li dire ki "Il me motive encore plus a m'occuper de lui et de son parti"? Guess what? Ena ene gran sans ki tre biento, la police Jugnauth pou al arete leader sa parti la, possib so ancien adviser ki nepli a Moriste, et ene so cousin. 

Boukou pitaye in larguer pou fer ene boug met ene statement kot li dire ki leader la et ene 2 lezot dimoune ti "force li swear an affidavit" some years affidavit lor soidizan Bois de Rose flooring, sipaki.

My sources in la police Jugnauth, sirtou so CCID, tell me that boug la ti fer so nouvo statement hier, et leader la pou arete biento.

Now, there is only one reason for all this quite childish palaver: the terrible pounding that Jugnauth is getting over Angus Road, a scandal that has at last highlighted the incredible degree of corruption in la cuisine. So, in order to cast some doubt over the credibility of the main accuser, you throw mud at him and hope it will stick. The crap commission d'enquete on Britam has predictably given rise to cynicism and incredulity that a judge could have come up with something as fanciful and devoid of any proof like his 350+ pages of absolute piffle and balderdash.

So, what better than seeing him walk up to Casernes and the inevitable "provisional charge" that will follow? Arianus and his thick as shit colleagues have come up with this "masterplan" to "s'occuper de lui et de son parti", i.e. A nou zet la poud divan lizier lepep kouyon, kumsa zot pou gagne doutes lor boug ki p koz Angussorma plis!

Makes one wonder: What next? What next will these idiots come up with? Zot in fini touy dimoune et sey brile lekor la, zot in ressi fer cameras Rs19 milliards travay parey kouma camera zouzou Noel, i.e. pa tire foto meme kan pez "click" ene million foi, zot in sey fer meurtre pass kom suicide, zot dire nou ki ene boug (Kannakiah) in kit so loto Reduit, pran bus al Gris Gris (camera zouzou noel touzour pa travay!), et pratik Diving pou Jeux Olinpik....Kommien crimes zot pou kontinier fer pou kassiett crime kokin nou larzan par milliards, ban LKZMM?

Alor, missier leader politik ki p fatig Arianus et so ban kamarades avek la tete en permanence dan latrine: Place ou commande di te et baja chaud chaud a Casernes pou tre biento. La police Jugnauth nepli investigate ban vrai crimes, alor zot envi kol ene ti zafer lor ou.

Si mo ti dan ou place, mo ti pou met ene costime en rose, simiz rose, cravat rose kan ou al Casernes, zis pou fatig zot in p...*

Kumsa sa ban idiots la pran nou pou kouyon, do

Mercredi 11 Aout 2021