Paul Lismore


Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Samedi 23 Novembre 2019

Some imaginative uses for the T-Square....

" Irfan Rahman affirme que l'officier ayant rangé les bulletins à l'aide d'un T-Square peut faire une démonstration «en live» en Cour suprême à la demande de la justice. Cependant, il précise que la démonstration doit se faire de 7 h du matin à 19 h."

So, are we being asked to believe that some people were employed for at least Rs 6000, purely " pour ranger les bulletins" from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. in one box? I want that job!!!

Of course, it cannot be an accident that the constituencies where the magical T-Square was used were 5 and 10, the only 2 constituencies with a direct link to Navin Ramgoolam...It was apparently written in the stars that all the other constituencies would have no problem "pour ranger les bulletins", despite constituencies 9 and 14 having more voters than 10 and several other constituencies having marginally less....

And if the magical T-Square was needed to 'ranger les bulletins', why do only one box and not all the boxes in the constituency?

Anyway, here are some practical uses for the T-Square, which will help you survive a boring day. As usual, consult your doctor first and please know that no animals were used or made to suffer during the experimental phase and refinement of these activities...

1/ Kan le do p gratter dan ene place kot difficile pou touch, use the T- Square! Grab the handle and point the thinner end towards the spot that badly needs scratching...You know it makes sense, so do it! Do not suffer in silence! The T-Square might help you out of a tight corner when everything else has poor Irfan Rahman is finding out.

2/ The car windows need cleaning, and your car window scraper has given up? Go to your attic, grab your old school case for funny equipment for maths, and fish out the T-Square. Glue a rubber strip to the end, and as they say, Bob's your uncle! (although in these days of plenty jig jig, he may well be your father...).

3/ When you are bored and on the point of committing suicide after listening to the terrible arrogance in every word that Steve Obeedobeedoo utters, grab your T-Square, attach an extension to it, put your feet up, switch the TV on, and gently scrape the dead skin from your lower legs. You will find that the T-Square can nestle very comfortably between your toes, and a gentle to and fro movement between them will rapidly replace Obeedoobeedoo's face with that of the person you lust after. 99% of all persons who have tried this new delight from the T-Square say that this digital escapade has given them renewed strength to face life....

4/ Men of a certain persuasion can of course also put their thing in the slot at the top of the T Square and make it rotate...Who knows? If this catches on, we may even hold tournaments to see who can make it rotate the most around their honourable member....

As for women, after a long day putting up with the sexist nonsense of so many men, whether at work or on the streets, the picture gives you an imaginative use of the T-Square. This is very good as with one hand over your head, you can sing a Bollywood song whilst waiting for the T Square to straighten up....

Thanks Irfan. Perhaps next time, you will insist that your staff turn up with a belna and chowki and before the vote goes into the ballot box, a quick roll et voila! A perfect ballot box with bulletins all in a straight line!

Samedi 23 Novembre 2019