
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Ashik or Rashid! Why hide your right to choose your own religion?

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 16 Juin 2023

[Paul Lismore] Ashik or Rashid! Why hide your right to choose your own religion?
Kifer li p kassiett sa kumsa? Mo sire ki kouma tou dimoune ki ena ene relizion ou ki in sanz zot relizion, zot fier de zot relizion. C zot droit pou koir dan ninporte ki Bon Dier ki zot envi, et c ene choix personnel. Alor, kifer bizin fer tou sa zes la lor ene sinp zafer kumsa? Ki li p kassiett kumsa?

Dan mo post hier, mo ti met sa comment la: Paul Lismore "Kisan la ki Tresorier ene Dargaah dan Cassis, Port Louis, kot protection money transforme kouma mazik et vine "donations"? Aparaman, sa 2 lissou la oussi al fer zot "donations" laba... Kifer sa ti sel zafer ki ti tousse so boubou hier et li koz "bagarre kominal"? Pa facile roule Mercedes lor zis la paye gablou, non?Meme si p enkor res kot belmer, soidizan...."

Hier soir, mo gagne ene video kot Jag (Hi! Mo paret kouma Shah Rukh Khan dan sa video la, non?) p chante avek gran zoi et abandon dan Dargaah so bo pere...So droit sa, et oken dimoune normal pa pou ena oken problem ar sa. So relizion, c so zafer, non? Alor, kifer li pa envi ki piblik apel li Rashid?

Ti pou bon si kiken fer ene ethnic/religious analysis de ban arrests du Special Shit Team depi so naissance...Mo ena linpression ki pou ena ban "anomalies" la dan, et c probably one of the reasons why Jag (Hi! Mo koz franc moi!) proteste kouma ene maniac kan dimoune apel li Rashid...

Entre tan, perhaps Jag (Hi! Zot ti koir mo met zis simiz a karo, non?) could confirm whether he is the star singer in this video clip...Ena pou koir ki ene Bollywood star sa, la facon li p bouz bouze...So bo pere Hassen bizin bien fier kan li truv so gendre p balancer kumsa, non?

By the way, the Muslim Community is apparently very divided about the practice of visiting a Shrine, which is what they tell me this place where Jag p bouz bouze is. Boukou donations gagner la ba!
Ban bezer dimounes pou dire ki larzan sale, e.g protection money,  kan fer donations vine extra propre en place..

Vendredi 16 Juin 2023

1.Posté par Anthonio Sophie le 17/06/2023 06:54
I have the impression that Zinfos Morris has a problem with the way to deal with Jagai. Chief editor and Paul Lismore are miles apart. They both have the right to express their opinions but please don't blame and confuse your readers.

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