
Mariages et funérailles : la police rectifie sa communication

Rédigé par E. Moris le Samedi 10 Juillet 2021

Suite à l'apparition d'un cluster à Terre-Rouge, après la célébration d’un mariage, les autorités prennent les devants pour limiter la propagation du virus et pour s’assurer qu’un maximum de 50 personnes seulement assistent à un mariage ou un enterrement.

Après une certaine confusion, c'est par le biais d'un communiqué que le Commissaire de Police a émis certaines informations ce samedi 10 juillet : 

Pursuant to General Notice No 142 of 2021, in virtue of Regulations made by the Minister at the section 13 of the Quarantine Act 2020, the attention of the public is drawn to PART II of the schedule which reads as follows:

1. Religious event/ceremony, provided that not more than 50 persons are in attendance at a time
2. Weddings/funerals, provided that not more than 50 persons are in attendance at a time
3. Cultural/social event or any other gathering, provided that not more than 50 persons are in attendance at a time
4. Horse racing (in camera)

The police wishes to clarify that there is no obligation to inform or request for permission from the police or to provide the list of invitees. However, at no time, the number of attendees to weddings or any social gathering shall exceed fifty (50). For the purpose of preventing the spread of Covid-19 in Mauritius, the police may carry out checks where there are suspicions that attendees have exceeded the authorised limit. Any breach of the Quarantine Act 2020 is punishable by a fine not
exceeding 500, 000 rupees and to imprisonment not exceeding 5 years.

Mr. K. Servansing, PMSM
Commissioner of Police

Samedi 10 Juillet 2021