
[Diaporama] Décès du syndicaliste Vishnu Jugdhurry : Rajen Valayden lui rend un vibrant hommage

Rédigé par E. Moris le Mardi 25 Septembre 2018

Le syndicaliste est décédé ce mardi après-midi des suites d'une longue maladie.

Good Bye Comrade 

He carved his name in our hearts and his legacy will live for long. This unsung hero who has just tiptoed from our world, is the reason of many rights & privileges, all of us enjoy today. He has throughout his life been a true 'Militant' , a symbol of resilience and  his  Honesty remains unmatched. 

His stubbornness and hardline Left  unflinching thoughts led to many  tough discussions which any stranger would easily mistake for   irreconcilable  fall outs. But it was always exchanges between  mentor and pupil. 

While designing strategies we would clash. He was more of the procedural type and would stick to every rule of the game, even when faced with unfairness. When fighting injustice  i tend to be cold blooded and ruthless. That's where he would hold me by the shoulder and calm me down with some chapters of history. 

I recall his enthusiasm  each time movements across the world would rise to voice out  protests against capitalism. The Arab spring was like pure ecstasy and Bernie Sanders , Jean Luc Melanchon , Piketty sounded like   nemesis of Capitalism.  Each time i challenged his optimism, he would simply reply " The difference between you and me is that you are a rebel and i a revolutionary ".  

He considered himself as an atheist. But to me he remains one of the most stern believer i have ever met. God surely will have a tough time negotiating  with you up there... 

As for me and  other pupils, we vow to  nurture & transfer the knowledge you imparted to us all. 

Good Bye Comrade Vishnu Jugdhurry

Mardi 25 Septembre 2018