
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] To the precious little bastards who complain to FB that my language 'offends' them...

Rédigé par E. Moris le Samedi 15 Mai 2021

Facebook has just asked me to post this reply to every sanctimonious little shit who likes to report how 'offended' he/she is with my language....and has asked them to instead feel very offended with the thieves in government stealing our money, the Israelis bombing Palestinians so indiscriminately, the Chinese " reeducating" the Uighurs Muslims, Modi being a good chaiwallah but a useless PM, and so many cases of injustice all around the world. 

Facebook has asked me to remind them that words do not kill, but the policies of psychopathic, thieving politicians certainly do...

Courtesy of Moira Lavigillante...

Samedi 15 Mai 2021

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