
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] The hopes and wishes of a lunatic for 2022

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 31 Décembre 2021

1/ That Pravind Jugnauth at last understands that he is no longer in the school yard and enjoying his chamcha friends telling him "Pravind, to meme nou mari!", but that he is the Prime Minister of ALL the Mauritians and not PM of the chatwas only.

2/ That no country can survive and prosper with more than one Prime Minister in charge, and that therefore it is high time that he stops la cuisine from interfering in all his decisions. 

3/ That he at last understands the intense degree of frustration towards the MBC, and all the institutions now suffering from the worst pollution imaginable with nominees who fail any test of intelligence, integrity, savoir faire, or honour.

4/ That these institutions are not Employment Bureaus to employ only his family and friends and their relatives. They are all funded entirely by the taxpayers, and the taxpayers are therefore entitled to feel anger when they see so much of their money wasted on these idiots.

5/ That people have a legitimate sense of grievance towards the MBC and towards all those institutions that do not serve the public, and yet take huge amounts of money from the taxpayers.

6/ That the big limousines financed entirely by the taxpayers arouse immense anger. That everyone will suffer from the rise in petrol duties except the highly paid politicians, senior civil servants and ministerial nominees who all receive hefty (if not free, as in your case..) petrol allowance. No Prime Minister can expect political success if he cannot see how this is so damaging...

7/ That the longer he keeps Jagutpal as minister, the more people will believe that Pravind Jugnauth is either too weak, or that he simply cannot afford to sack any minister. Why? Because he is scared they will then spill the beans about the Dark Arts and the evil shenanigans of la cuisine.

8/ That the sooner he gets rid of political nominees who have caused him enormous harm, the political benefits he reaps will be substantial. 

9/ That he has to sack Anooj the idiot. Not doing so will be seen as cowardice. He should have the balls to tell Anooj, " Ta ggt! Sorti depi la, aller. Et si meme ene second to ban tape recordings lor moi et Lady Macbeth sorti, en place Jangi pou visite toi!"

10/ That as Prime Minister of this island, he has to show statesmanship and the ability and willingness to lead this nation. Keeping that horrible Speaker in post, Anooj the idiot at the MBC, Thakoor at the FSC, and so many others, shows weakness which is quite undignified for a Prime Minister.

See? I told you this was a message from a lunatic as the chances of Pravind Jugnauth doing any of the above are nil.

My best wishes for a more peaceful and happier 2022 to all of you. This lunatic will now spend some time with his Saat Samundar and ruminate over the slings and arrows of misfortune that have lumbered Mauritius with such terrible politicians. But, fear not! Those who keep yapping "gouverner autrement" can already see themselves at the back of those limousines, and will probably complain that there is not enough room for their massive egos in these monstrosities paid entirely by the taxpayers...

Vendredi 31 Décembre 2021

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