
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Soy, soy, soy partou !

Rédigé par E. Moris le Samedi 8 Avril 2023

[Paul Lismore] Soy, soy, soy partou !
Ene mo ve malediction in pran sa pays la. Pa kapav ena oken lot explikation pou sa kantite kouyonad la. Dan lindistri lassirance, ena ene zafer ki apel "Act of God", i.e. an act of nature that could not have been foreseen or avoided, and therefore no one can be blamed...

Kouma zot dire, ene poisson tou le tan pourri depi so la tete, i.e. the rot starts from the top. Si la tete la meme malang et pourri, b ki zot koir pou ariv tou seki en ba li? Soy partou!

A nou guet seki la o net dan pays, le Premier Ministre. Now, was it an Act of God that he became Prime Minister? No! Could that calamity have been avoided? YES! We like to call him le ti cretin but he has been very cunning in understanding one crucial element in the Mauritian psyche: the desire of so many to lick arse, to not only become a chatwa but to be proud of it. So, by appealing to that substantial proportion of the Mauritian population, he got 37% of them to vote for him, together with the help of T Squares of course, and various mercenaries whose only job in life was to ensure that the elections were safe and fair...

Everything else flows from there: All the nominations of absolute numpties and idiots who compete with each other to see who can fuck up his/her institution faster. Dipshit would not have existed if ti cretin was not PM; The chuttur ka mou in charge of ICAC would be a political exile, to save himself from imprisonment, if his Lord and Master was not PM. The arsehole with the silly moustache who is the Head of the Gambling Regulatory Authority would have become a palefrenier by now if it wasn't for PJ's support. The same applies to almost every nomination promoted by la kwizinne and authorised by the PM...Invariably, ban vauriens, ban inconpetan, ban ki in vine bien riche par mazik....

Ki kalite soy sa? Ene dimoune normal ti pou pran ene la cuisse cerf et ti pou bien satisfe ar sa. San la pran cerf la entier et en meme tan p tap so biche! Bon Dier koner ki li in fer ar boutey Black Label la...

Aster, ene ban pli gran soy dan nou la vie, et si sa pa prouve ki Bon Dier very unhappy avek nou, zot pa ban croyants alor! Guet ki p ariv Champs de Mars depi ki Li Ki Shim in pran sa place historik la, kouma dire tou le tan ti pou mari sorma sa. Li ek so gro Babu p pense fer natation dan Champs de Mars akoz sa kantite inondation p gagne la ba depi ki zot in kokin champs de Mars avek l'aide sa ggt dan GRA , avek so vilain moustache la. Biento, en place souval galoupe, ban dimounes, sirtou ban chatwas, pou fer conpetition natation tou otour Champs de Mars...Li Ki Shim pou met so string et azir kouma Chief Steward, tandi ki Gro Babu pou sot sot dan dilo et fer so gro vant fer vagues, kouma dire p met handicap pou les courses.....

Sitan pays la in vine soy ki ti cretin pou al lor MBC et blaguer ki Moriste, c sel pays kot dimoune kapav fer natation kot souval ti bizin galoupe! Li pou flatte li et dire ki sou so leadership sa...Li Ki Shim dan so string, p dire zot, "Come swim with me at my Champs de Mars"...

Samedi 8 Avril 2023

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