
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Mauritius will never prosper as long as the butchers of BAI remain in power...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 14 Mai 2021

Vreman ena bez dan sa ggt pays la! Ene bande criminels deklar ki ene conpagni, c ene Ponzi sa, et tou dimoune koir sa kouyonade la? Kan tou dimoune konne repitation ene Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo kom pli gran voleur politicien dan nou listoire, kot li sorti kom lokater dan les annees 80 pou vine "L'homme le plus riche de L'Ocean Indien" dan lespace 5 ans kom ministre des finances?

Kan tou dimoune koner ki la drog dure ti rant dan pays kan SAJ vine PM en 1982, et ki ban gro marsan la drog ti p kit tantes renpli ar billets roupies dan so lakaz a La Caverne (ki li meme in confirmer dan Commission Rault lor la drog...)?

Kan tou evidence montrer klerman ki sak foi MSM vine o pouvoir, importation la drog, sirtou la drog dure, ogmanter par boukou?

Kan tou dimoune koner ki Pravind Jugnauth zamai in fer ene zour travay dan so la vie mai aster li ene milliardaire? Kan Maradiva Hotel ti pou fermer akoz bankruptcy, mai en 2014, Pravind fer passe la loi ki ene sel kou sap Maradiva? Kan Maharajah Sherry ti ene sinp koler lafis en 2014 mai ki aster p ranz chateau o moin Rs 100 millions? 

B kouma Lepep Kouyon ti kapav koir tou sa ban idiots la kan zot ti dire ki BAI, c ene Ponzi sa?

Dakor ki nou ban zourlanus en fesse et tou la gazette in avale tou sa vomi ki ban voleurs dan gouvernman ti p larguer. Mai zot pa kapav servi zot lespri zot meme? Zot pa truver ki zamai ti ena preuve oken Ponzi et ki zamai personne pa in condanee la dan? Reponse la li bien sinp, non? Ki zamai ti ene Ponzi sa! Li ti sinpleman ene conspiracy dan Gouvernman pou kokin tou dibien Dawood Rawat et partaz sa entre zot meme et zot ban kamarade voleurs!

Bramer Bank ti vo o moin Rs 4-5 milliards, mai in laisse aller pou Rs 2 miliards. Commission denket lor sa in gagne mari constipation et 4 ans aprer, pa enkor largue narien. Apollo ti vo o moin Rs 2 milliards mai in donne li a missier gran blanc pou zis Rs 60 millions par an. Kumsa ena boukou lexanp kot zot in bien kokin....

Malgre sa, ena enkor ban zoaves ki pou repete "Ponzi" kouma ene perroquet constipee. Guet sa dernier lexanp la:

1/ Zot kraz BAI et renplace li par ene ggtri ki apel NIC, National Insurance Company. NIC in fer ene la perte de Rs 4.3 milliards!!! Et zot ti kraz BAI parski la Bank Moriste ti refiz prete BAI Rs 350 millions!

2/ Ziska ler, Taxpayers in bizin met plis ki Rs 20 milliards pou finance fermeture de BAI! Rapel kouma zot ti dire ki taxpayers pa pou bizin met ene sou la dan? Rapel bien! BAI zamai in pran ene sou depi taxpayers, et zamai ene so client in plaigner ki ti p tarder pou return so investment! NIC p rode Rs 4 milliards zot larzan, lepep kouyon! Rs 4 milliards on top of the Rs 20 billions of taxpayers money they have already taken from you to finance the butchery of BAI! Zot enkor koir sa ban menteurs/voleurs/inconpetan la?

3/ But the icing on the cake is this, because it highlights the incredible incompetence of this government:
Who was the CEO of BAI until they declared that it was a Ponzi? Rishi Sookdawoo.
Who is the CEO of the Frankenstein born out of the destruction of BAI and known as NIC? Rishi Sookdawoo!!!!

Yes, the same Sookdawoo who was CEO of the so called ponzi at BAI is now the CEO of the body formed to replace BAI!!

The same Sookdawoo who faced 3 charges of money laundering, conspiracy, and fraud after BAI was smashed, and despite those criminal charges, was never sacked...he "collaborated" with the police and continued working with NIC, the replacement of BAI.....

The architects of the destruction of BAI are no longer in government: Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo is presumably counting the billions of rupees he has made from servi nou pays, in complete loneliness; Ravi Yerrigrodoudou, the useless AG, is still sniffing for a boutte from la cuisine...Roshi Badhain has formed his party and pretends that BAI/Bramer, etc, to use his favourite expression, c zis la fimee dan zot lizier...Zaza is now leader of a party with only 4 MLAs, and his son Adrien is no longer in the National Assembly...

SAJ, the arch destroyer, is apparently seriously ill in Darne Clinic...What is that thing that people keep talking about? Oh yes, Karma....

Vendredi 14 Mai 2021

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