
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Just a free and well deserved advert for my friend Harish Chundunsing

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Samedi 27 Mai 2023

[Paul Lismore] Just a free and well deserved advert for my friend Harish Chundunsing
Just a free and well deserved advert for my friend Harish Chundunsing, one of the few rare journalists who deserves to be called a journalist. Go and buy a copy before Ken Arianus, ex air hostess and now numero uno of our airline Air Mauritius and the fake Hajee get their grubby paws on the book...

The book is available at Bookcourt, Le Trèfle, Le Printemps et Le Cygne.

Samedi 27 Mai 2023

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