
Paul Lismore

[Paul Lismore] Jobs Bonanza at the MBC for the "Friends" of Anooj the Idiot...

Rédigé par Paul Lismore le Vendredi 8 Octobre 2021

Oui, mes chers compatriotes, zoli zoli jobs p advertise dan MBC. Mai pa koir ki Lepep avek so Rs 150 par moi, zot en droit apply! Non, non, non! Sa ban jobs la in advertise zis internally, alor zot made to measure pou ban soucerres de Anooj the idiot. Anooj ene expert lor zafer "internally", et si li pa koner, Bagah the perv ou Sailesh Karo cannes pou montrer li....

So expertise fer nou tripes larguer tou les zours kan ban sadik fer nou guet sa ggtri ki apel MBC la, et nou tou gagne mari lenvi kk lor la tete sa idiot la...Kom touzour, ban vacancies la ena gran gran titres, ki ene signe sire dan Moriste ki vreman zis ban idiot ki pou gagne job la. Check zot salaires ene kou! Mama Mia! 

1/ Ena Head of Technology and Multi Media, (salary of up to Rs 72,000!!) ki in fini garanti a ene plok ki fer tou travay Anooj the idiot, et ki the idiot in fer sire ki li gagne ene allowance pou sa! 

2/ Radio Channel Coordinator, with salary of up to Rs 66,000....Made to measure appointment for an ex hotel worker who also likes to senti la braguette Anooj the idiot.

3/ Production Manager (General/Oriental) with salary of up to Rs 70,000.... One of your main functions is to show a Bollywood movie on Thursday nights, chosen specially by the daughter of the idiot...Yes folks, she decides for the whole population what film they should see....this is where your money goes, to satisfy the urges of absolute idiots.

All three adverts are in the first comment of this post...See for yourselves how larzan lepep, c vreman larzan pou mari mama sa ban lkzmm la!

So, there you are people: MBC, the mirror image of lile Moriste kot tou in gate, tou in koronpi, kot zis ban idiots ki en sarz et ki pou nomme zot idiots en ba zot. Lepep nek trap graine et guetter, san fer oken tapaz...

Vendredi 8 Octobre 2021

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