

Mauritius Standards Bureau: Rashida Nanhuck claque la porte

Rédigé par E. Moris le Vendredi 17 Juillet 2020

Sandhya Boygah a fait son grand retour en décrochant la tête du bureau des normes. L'ex Parliamentary Private Secretary de la circonscription n° 11 (Vieux Grand Port/ Rose-Belle), connue pour ses frasques avec fracas, s'installe à la tête de la Mauritius Standards Bureau (MSB), alors que sa candidature avait été une première fois rejetée par le conseil d’administration.

Mais avec un incroyable tour de passe-passe, à la suite de la démission du président de cette instance, le Board, désormais présidé par Sanjiv Mulloo, considéré comme proche de Pravind Jugnauth, a tout simplement avalisé  la candidature de Sandhya Boygah. 

Rashida Nunhuk qui compte une trentaine d’années d’expérience au sein du MSB et qui a occupé le poste de CEO par intérim depuis 2012, démissionne, celle-ci prendra effet à partir du 15 août. 

Dossier : Veer Luchoomun, un frère peu convenable

Rappelons que Sanjiv Mulloo est le CEO de la société Quad Printing à Coromandel et également président de la National Productivity and Competitiveness Council depuis octobre 2015. Il s'est fait connaître suite aux allégations du leader du PTr, Navin Ramgoolam, dans sa pétition électorale déposée en Cour suprême, qui affirme que les bulletins de vote, dans le cadre des législatives du 7 novembre, n'ont pas été imprimés par la Government Printing, mais dans les locaux de Quad Printing.

Vendredi 17 Juillet 2020

1.Posté par Rattan Chand le 19/07/2020 14:11
Mrs Rashida Nanhuck cast aside as Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Standards Bureau and in her place they appointed a crony, one of theirs. The appointment of political nominees has reached a new high-MSB, FSC, BOM, Museum Council, DBM, EDB...
Some researchers on the Mauritian economy, had identified our institutions as one of the important determinants that launched Mauritius on a development path quite unique in the region and nurtured the gradual emergence of the "Indian Ocean Tiger"….but with the authoritarian populism and cronyism of this regime , one by one, our institutions are being infected with toxic polarisation and sapped by the chums that are taking over these independent institutions. Our trust in this government and most of the institutions that frame our society, captured by the cronies for their own profits, are being eroded.
Instead of well-functioning, trustworthy and independent institutions adhering to the rule of law and more of social justice , we see a prevalence of hollowed institutions and state capture; it is time to start worrying that we may be undermining the country’s hopes for future growth and development.
I have had the opportunity to interact and work with this outstanding lady, acting CEO of MSB, when we were preparing the very demanding Corporate Objectives Statement (COS) of the MSB which included, among others, the Corporate Mandate, the Mission and Vision Statement the Corporate Strategies and its Action Plans and Performance Targets over the short to medium term. She impressed with her exceptional skills , especially her in depth knowledge of the MSB. She was the RIGHT PERSON AT THE RIGHT PLACE to ensure that the operation and work of the organisation was closely aligned with the policies and performance targets to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service delivery at the Mauritius Standard Bureau. This country needs more of such people.
You understand now why we have to start worrying where these irresponsible people wallowing in the sludges of crony capitalism are taking our country !!!

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