

Harvesh Seegoolam est le nouveau Gouverneur de la Banque de Maurice

Rédigé par E. Moris le Jeudi 20 Février 2020

La Banque centrale a un nouveau patron. Il se nomme Harvesh Kumar Seegoolam et était jusqu’ici Chief Executive Officer de la Financial Services Commission. 

La Banque centrale a aussi deux nouveaux Deputy Governors. Le First Deputy Governor est Mardaya Yeru Kunondu. Il était jusque-là Ombudsperson for Financial Services.

Quant à la Second Deputy Governor, c’est Hemlata Sadna Sewraz Gopal qui a été nommée. C’est la première fois qu’une femme accède au poste de Deputy Governor de la Banque de Maurice.

Notons que l'ancien CEO de la Financial Services Commission (FSC) s'est retrouvé au centre d’une polémique dans le passé ayant pour toile de fond un conflit d'intérêts avec comme protagoniste, son père, Vinod Seegoolam. Ce dernier avait été poursuivi en justice et trouvé coupable le 25 novembre 2010. Il avait écopé de 90 heures de travaux communautaires.

Quand aux anciens employés de Harvesh Seegolam, ils ont dénonçaient celui qui était à la nomination du secteur financier et ces incessants voyages au coût total de Rs 4, 8 millions. Document à l'appui déposé à l’Assemblée nationale et qui n'inclut pas les missions officielles.

Jeudi 20 Février 2020

1.Posté par Rattan Chand le 24/02/2020 08:31
The BOM needs ,at its helm, distinguished economists and analysts from the top league not from the lower divisions.
Many of the previous governors and deputies were selected from the top echelons of the Minsitries of Finance and/or Economic Development or from the research department of the BOM-one of those few units in Mauritius that undertake fundamental research and analysis of economic and policy issues. Just because you have a degree in economics does not qualify you for these posts. These jobs demand more applied knowledge and are very specialised.
One has to be constantly in touch if one does not wish to be outsmarted by junior officers as it happened to PJ in the case of the Medpoint Saga-tricked into unnecessarily signing the "minute" by a cunning Financial Secretary and his team.
We were expecting the appointment of some heavy-weights with wide economic expertise to lead us through the difficult days ahead not some raw ones still struggling up the learning curve and mesmerised by blockchain, fintech, crypto-currencies while incompetently and irresponsibly allowing the financial sector to be greylisted.
Moreover, starting with the mismanagement of the BAI bubble or Ponzi and the more recent use of the Special Reserve Fund (SRF) to pay debt without a prior review of the economic capital framework of the central bank, the replenishment of the SRF through valuation gains engineered by BOM interventions to depreciate the rupee and the pressure being put on banks to align their rates to the BOM pre-determined rates were some of the misdoings that conflicted with the principle of central bank independence, and with the Bank’s goal of price and financial stability. We thought that the ex-Governor -who had become a mere rubber stamp for Government – would give way to some high calibre performer who would have restored some of the credibility and independence of the Central Bank. No, on the contrary we saw the consolidation of “L’État-MSM pendant les 100 premiers jours.”

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