

[Diaporama] Maurice participe à la 17eme édition du All Asia Knockdown Tournament à Singapore

Rédigé par E. Moris le Samedi 1 Septembre 2018

La 17eme édition du All Asia Knockdown Tournament se tient ce weekend à Singapore.

Ilya Yakovlev (Bronze Medallist at the World Cup 2017 in Kazakhstan) with Nabiihah Sattar & Farzanah Aumeer
Ilya Yakovlev (Bronze Medallist at the World Cup 2017 in Kazakhstan) with Nabiihah Sattar & Farzanah Aumeer
Les karatekas seront en action ce dimanche 2 septembre 2018.

Pour sa deuxième participation a ce tournoi, l'île Maurice est représentée par :

1. Aumeer Farzanah (Women Open Cat)
2. Sattar Nabiihah (Women Open Cat)
3. Bhoynub Rajeev ( Men’s Lightweight (-65Kg))
4. Ozeer Zakariyya ( Men’s Lightheavyweight(-85Kg)
5. Jeewa Moobeen (as Coach). 

Message de l'équipe :

Reached Singapore on Thursday Morning and we had a couple of training sessions among the Mauritian Team. Some final tuning. 

The tension is rising here as we are going through the weigh in and final briefing before the D-Day tomorrow.

We are keeping our spirits high and stay focused to give our best tomorrow. Among the strongest countries here are the fighters from kazakhstan, japan and australia.


The Mauritian Team training
The Mauritian Team training

Samedi 1 Septembre 2018

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