

CSG : communication rétablie entre gouvernement et secteur privé

Rédigé par E. Moris le Mardi 24 Novembre 2020

Le conflit demeure. Mais… il pourrait être en passe d’être résolu dans le dialogue.

Hier, un comité technique a été institué sur le sujet et a tenu sa première réunion au bureau du Premier ministre. Présidé par le chef de la Fonction publique, Nayen Koomar Ballah, il comprend des représentants de divers ministères, mais aussi la Mauritius Revenue Authority, Business Mauritius, des actuaires, des syndicalistes et d’autres personnes concernées.

Il est dit que le plan de travail et les modalités ont été finalisés. Mais plus important, le Chief Executive Officer de Business Mauritius, Kevin Ramkaloan, se réjouit que le dialogue soit renoué et que tous les partenaires puissent s’asseoir autour d’une table.

Mardi 24 Novembre 2020

1.Posté par Rattan Chand le 25/11/2020 06:32
Does it mean further capitulation by the government, the moment the private sector sets its foot down ?
It has capitulated earlier on many other fronts as well. Following a backlash from the corporates, Government back-pedalled on the 25% Solidarity Levy on the highest income earners. It had also ceded on the Workers Rights Act forcing the workers to fall in line with the corporates (Business Mauritius dictates the terms) and plundered our reserves to subsidise them at the taxpayers' expense through MIC.
Though there are quite a few things that need to be looked into about the CSG, like the contributions being credited to the Consolidated Fund, but will the Govt be giving in to the private sector on the issue of the 11% of the employees of the private sector (who also benefits from a private pension scheme) who are contributing substantially more under the CSG than under the NPF ?
(you recall that the Minister of Finance had confirmed that a large majority of all employees earning less than Rs 39,800 per month are paying less CSG contribution than under the NPF. )

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